Partnerships & collaborations

We believe that together, we go further.
In this section:

Doing good - together

Our partnerships and collaborations help strengthen our impact and bring our mission to life. 

It takes a village

Our leadership team takes on our vision through open discussion, transparency, and collaboration across the board and with other organizations.

We work with individuals and communities within General Mills and outside of our company to share ideas, resources, inspire and create new opportunities.

Nutrition and Food Safety Partnerships and Collaboration

We work with partners to make food safe and advance nutrition science.
Our Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition (BIHN) is the company’s global source for scientific health, wellness, and nutrition expertise. Learn more about the Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition.

At the BIHN we advance nutrition and food safety research in support of public health. We collaborate with scientists, universities, and organizations around the world on nutrition and food safety. We strive to improve consumers' lives through our work, and by discussing our policies and practices. 


Elevating Nutrition Science

The BIHN has published more than 100 publications and have presented research at over 80 conferences. We have committed to sharing our work with others through sponsored scientific sessions and symposiums. Our research spans many topics, but many have focused on:

  • benefits of whole grain, fiber, ready to eat cereal & yogurt 
  • food group nutrient intake and diet quality in global populations

We have experienced scientists that publish original research within the BIHN. We also partner with researchers, institutes, and consortiums to gather a variety of expertise and viewpoints. We follow the scientific integrity guidelines outlined by the We follow the guidelines on scientific integrity outlined by the  Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IFNS) North America Working Group.

Supporting Nutrition & Food Safety Organizations

We have a seat at the table and are part in the conversation with several nutrition and food safety organizations, including, but not limited to:

Professional Societies

  • American Society for Nutrition
  • British Nutrition Foundation
  • Canadian Nutrition Society
  • British Toxicology Society
  • International Association for Food Protection
  • Institute of Food Technologists.

Consumer Communication

  • International Food Information Council Foundation
  • European Food Information Council
  • The Whole Grains Council

Research Organizations

  • Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences)
  • Food Allergy Research and Resource Program

Councils, Coalitions and Round Tables 

  • Food Forum (National Academy of Sciences)
  • Obesity Round Table (National Academy of Sciences)
  • Portion Balance Coalition (Georgetown University)
  • Tufts Food and Nutrition Innovation Council

Our scientists may sit on committees within these organizations to advance science-based initiatives. Our memberships and involvement help us 

  1. To have a voice when discussing cross-sector issues 
  2. Support our consumers through science-driven decisions 
  3. Keep up with changes in the global nutrition and food safety spaces. 

Engagement in Regulatory Affairs

We commonly engage on global public policies that have a direct impact on General Mills including those related to:

  • Health claims
  • Nutrition and allergen labeling
  • Microbiological standards
  • Dietary guidance
  • Supplemental nutrition feeding programs
  • We engage in these issues through trade associations and peer partnerships for the greater good of public health.

    Learn more about our public engagement efforts.

    Quick Facts

    Partnerships that make good food possible

    900+ employees

    have volunteered to date with Partners in Food Solutions, a non-profit that brings together experts to help food processors in Africa.

    $10+ million

    provided to No Kid Hungry, a non-profit that helps schools and communities across the U.S. get the resources they need to help kids access three healthy meals a day, every day.

    42.6 billion

    meals enabled worldwide by our food donations and philanthropic partners since 2019.
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